Did Curiosity Kill the Cat?

Have you ever had any curiosities that pushed you to seek out for answers? For instance, the urge to know why is that when in a bus which is moving at a high speed, one can feel as if their ears are stuffing. The answer to this is: Since the bus is moving at a higher speed the pressure of your blood flow is lower than the pressure created outside as a result the blood flows to your upper parts of the body to withstand the pressure outside. This is an answer you’d find in a physics textbook, the question one would ask however is how did someone find out about this? Was the person curious as well. The answer could be yes, someone was curious and did something about it.

In our consultancy company such curiosities we call them research. The curiosities are formalized by following set procedures and giving formal feedback. On that note though it is not about case of curiosity killed the cat but rather the cat got what it wanted. The whole purpose of research is to make your results talk to people.

Research is the best thing after sliced bread, because whatever you find as your results are the actual answers provided you ethically followed the rules. The research can be repeated over and over again in search of validating the answers hence the term RE-search. Imagine the joy associated with making sense out of what seems not to make sense.

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